Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Memories from the pandemic

Book: Lost Horoscope: And Other New Poems (2023) by Yuyutsu Sharma. Publisher: Nirala Publications, New Delhi. Pages: 72. ISBN: 978-81-957816-3-8 (hardcover).


Crises are fertile grounds where literary edifices are built upon, maintained and sustained. After about 18 years since the ending of Maoists armed conflict, books are being written, stories are being told, poems are being created, music is being composed and movies are being made. Writers and communicators continue to create new piece of literature or entertainment with their ideas based on the 2015 earthquake, Indian blockade, Terai floods and even Panchayat era that ended more than three decades ago and Rana regime that ruled the country for 104 years till 1951. Nepali writers also have created literature on international crisis and challenges like the Afghan War, Cold War and Nepali's plight in their work destination.

Continuing that tradition, a new book 'Lost Horoscope: And Other New Poems' by Yuyutsu Sharma brings back the bitter memories from the early days of the coronavirus pandemic when people locked themselves inside the four walls of their houses willingly or by the force of the government. It was difficult time when people felt trapped, immobile and helpless as there was no one to take them out of the crisis, they have to rely on their own instincts in most of the cases.

"Half a century later

caught up in a deadly fever

in the Himalayas

twisting my limbs

in a bed moist from

my sweat, my head

throbbing from the dismal

forecasts and my imminent doom,

the revelations of the horoscope returned. "


Sharma gives a vivid detail of the pandemic time and hardships people faced in the quarantines during lockdowns. People were dying due to the virus and every other individual was scared that they would be the next to be taken to the 'ghat' – the cremation point.  They were having hallucinations. There was shortage of foods and medicines, yet the poet finds happiness and satisfaction from what he got.

"Dalda milk rusks dipped

in cups of bland tea and

relished like finest treats from Paradise."


The book is divided into three sections: lost horoscope, jasmine jewels and out again. The latter two sections more often talk about love, affection and travel. Sharma's poem feature women from China, USA and other countries. Readers can also find instances of humour in his poems. The one that he tells after meeting his Beijing moderator can be a good example:

"When sixth glass arrived,

her Chinese husband turned into an ex-husband,

and a little later,

an ex-student

now living back home, in Australia."

Another humour is found when he meets a girl from Chengdu, China who had visited Nepal. The poet minutely observes the girl and begins to appreciate her features but the girl addresses him as 'Dai' – an elder brother. The poem ends with the line - "I was wondering how to address you." Likewise, in California, another girl finds him 'sweet' but can't make love because she has stitches in her vagina.

In the long inaugural poem 'Lost horoscope', the poet also talks about religion, spirituality and the things which he relied upon during the difficult time. The book has many instances when the poet talks about spirituality and supernatural powers. Readers can find lots of love stories in the poem which have featured strong emotions. Meanwhile, he talks about the beauty of Pokhara, Annapurna and Himalayas of Nepal as well as his childhood memories connected with his grandmother and birthplace.

Sharma has already published 10 poetry collections before the 'Lost Horoscope' including The Second Buddha Walk, Nepal Trilogy, Quaking Cantos: Nepal Earthquake Poems, and Space Cake.

Published in the Friday Supplement of The Rising Nepal daily on 21 May 2023. 

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